Episode Archive

Episode Archive

184 episodes of OOPS! ALL ADS since the first episode, which aired on June 28th, 2017.


    February 11th, 2019  |  45 mins 43 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review, we’re breaking down the misconception that being alone on Valentine’s Day is a bad thing, with 20 great things to do for lonesome souls as we review MARCIA, SLOW BUT GOOD- THE ROBERT MULLAN STORY and TWEEVLE! This week’s episode is brought to you by LORD CREME’S DOUBLE SCOOP, HEAVY CREAM COURT-YURT, and CHARLES BARLEY! Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 83: Bi-Annual Bumble Bee Round Up

    February 4th, 2019  |  13 mins 4 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we're doing our bi-annual bumble bee roundup as we review MEAT FENCE, HORNICA, SHERLY ANN, and BEAVER FACE! This week's buzzingly good episode is brought to you by OLDY'S FACE CREAM, GROWL PANTS and HALF YEAR HANUKKAH! Thanks for listening and stay tuned for OTR nightly news!

  • Episode 82: 3 Dates with Luke

    January 28th, 2019  |  42 mins 53 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we’re reviewing movies and dates! For movies, we watched POOL BROS, DRILLED and ESCAPE THE OUTDOORS. For Dates, we will hear about the Carson family, The Lujan Farm Daughters and Canela Ardiente. This week’s episode is brought to you by LEGIT AF TOOTHPASTE, FIREPANTS. Call up our hotline and let us know about your favorite movies and products at 1-347-699-0068.

  • Episode 81: An Episode

    January 21st, 2019  |  38 mins 15 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we’re popping some popcorn as we review BIRDBOX, YELLOWBIRD and Alfonso Cuaron’s Oscar-worthy- ROMA. This week’s episode is brought to you by CASPER MATTRESS, BLUE APRON and LUKE’S BIG CITY SINGLES/GUYLINK PROMOTIONAL DATE. Call up our hotline and let us know about your favorite movies and products at 1-347-699-0068.


    January 14th, 2019  |  36 mins 20 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on the podcast, we're paying your bills as we review CHORE DAY, DEEPBLOWS and MRS. CLAUS RETURNS! This week's episode is brought to you by DEVIL PILATES, QUINN'S POPCORN STEAK and PATIO REVAMP. Thanks for listening and remember to call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068!

  • Episode 79: New Slang

    January 7th, 2019  |  39 mins 2 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we are teaching you the hottest new slang on the street as we review KNOT MY WIFE, JACKED GUYS 3 and LAW AND ORDER J.R. This week’s episode is brought to you by THE WE PAY YOUR BILLS SWEEPSTAKES and THE WHITE PEOPLE WHITE NOISE MACHINE. Call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068! Thanks for listening

  • Episode 78: 2019 Pre-Show-Clip-Show

    December 31st, 2018  |  20 mins 41 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week we are happy to give our listeners are little present, a little sneak leak peek at our upcoming year in our first ever pre-show-clip-show! This episode is brought to you by THE LAPD and ACCIDENTS! Thanks for listening!

  • Episode 77: Brandon's 2nd Holiday Ad Spectacular

    December 24th, 2018  |  42 mins 3 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    Hi Friends!
    This week on One Two Review Brandon is hand delivering our second annual holiday Ad Spectacular! Gather the family around and listen as we pay our respects to the generous products and services that make our little podcast possible. Happy holidays and thanks for listening!

  • Episode 76: North America's Best Sledding Spots!

    December 17th, 2018  |  35 mins 44 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    We’ve got special guest actor/writer James Gangl and he’s going to help us track down the best sledding spots in North America as we review SCREEN BURNERS, BROWNE’S WAY DOWN and UNIMAGINABLE: THE DANIEL DAY-LEWIS STORY. This week’s podcast is brought to you by SLEEP SHOES, JELLY SHOES, and REAL BREEN DIP! Call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068 and leave us a review on iTunes!

  • Episode 75: Fast Boats!

    December 10th, 2018  |  32 mins 10 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    We’re talking about the fastest boats in the world as we review a bunch of films that feature some fast boats including ATTACK OF THE BIRDMEN, BEST PICTURE and CARVER'S COVE. This week’s fast boat episode is brought to you by THE CABITT, HOTEL VOYEUR and NEWFOOD. As always check out our Instagram @onetworeview and call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068.

  • Episode 74: 24 hours with Marli Kaufmann

    December 3rd, 2018  |  39 mins 37 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we’re trying to stay up for 24 hours with our friend Marli. Clips include reviews for A MOTHER’S LOVE FOR HER SON, THE WARD, DOG SUMMER, MANTA and many many many more! This week is brought to you by PHARMACEUTICAL STRENGTH PINEAPPLE, DORITOS’ DEAMONS, HUMMINGBIRD BEAKS, and BIG SPELT! Thanks for listening, leave us a review in iTunes and call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068!

  • Episode 73: Candy, Again

    November 26th, 2018  |  32 mins 12 secs
    movie, movies, review, reviews

    This week on One Two Review we’re eating the last of the Halloween candy as we review some of the hottest running shows on TV right now, including- ESCAPE FAMILY, EPISODER and the controversial dog show- POUND. This week’s episode is brought to you by MIDLAKE'S OWN DANGER HOLE, MARSHA WHITE 17,000 GREAT PUMPKIN RECIPES, and NICE BOY'S SLOW DOWN SIGN. Thanks for listening- tell your friends to call our hotline at 1-347-699-0068!